
Hi there 👋🏼
I'm Marcel Schreiner

Embedded Electronics &
Software Engineer

Hello There

I'm Marcel

I am a Swiss embedded electronics and software engineer with over a decade of experience. My passion for electrical engineering has been a constant companion throughout my career. I began in hardware development and have gradually transitioned to focus almost exclusively on software development. However, I still feel at home in both areas. In my free time, I engage with topics such as building automation, electromobility, and renewable energy.

Years of Experience
Programming Languages
Cups of Coffee

What I Can Offer

I've got everything you need to develop your next awesome product.

Software engineering

I have extensive experience in developing software solutions using various languages, with a focus on C, Assembler, Python. I have worked professionally on embedded systems and Python tools for PCs.


I have excellent knowledge and skills in electronics development and measurement. I possess good craftsmanship and practical experience. I have created test equipment for frequency converters, prototypes, and small series, as well as circuit diagrams and layouts.


I have a passion for innovation and creativity. I love exploring new ideas and technologies, such as intelligent building automation, electromobility, renewable energy, artificial intelligence and more.


I have demonstrated strong analytical and critical thinking skills in solving complex and challenging problems. I can use various tools and techniques, to create optimal and robust solutions.


I have excellent communication skills in English and German. I can effectively communicate with diverse audiences, such as developers, managers, customers, and end-users. I have also written clear and concise documentation, reports, presentations, and articles.


I'm an INTJ personality type. This means I am ambitious, rational, independent and confident. I have high standards of quality and performance. I am logical and analytical in my thinking. I am self-reliant and capable of working autonomously.


I love 🤍 what I do, check out some of my works

My bachelors thesis

A video of my bachelor's thesis presentation about Building Automation with Bluetooth Mesh, at the ZHAW School of Engineering.

My professional work at Lenze

As part of my work at Lenze, I am honored to work on the firmware of the i550 motec frequency inverter.

Sonos Alarm integration in Loxone

A Python script to synchronize a Loxone Alarm Clock with the Sonos Alarm Function.

Philips Hue to Loxone

A python script to send Philips Hue accessory events (Dimmer switch, motion sensor, ...) to a Loxone Miniserver.

BMW integration in Loxone

A python script to send state information of your BMW car to a Loxone Miniserver.

Plasma Speaker

A video of the Plasma Speaker project, which was awarded the rating “outstanding” by Schweizer Jugend forscht in the national competition and was awarded the special prize for participation in the MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2017 in Fortaleza, Brazil.

My humble beginning 2012

Back in 2012 this 8x8x8 LED Cube was my first large project in the field of electronics and programming.

Electricity Maps to Loxone

A python script to send Swiss power grid carbon intensity data to a Loxone Miniserver.


I have been honored to receive these awards

Contact Me

Reach out for a new project or just say hello

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